Masks for Humanity - We need your help to help others!


We are not going to pretend for a second that the outrageous shortages of medical grade PPE (face masks, face shields, etc.) is okay. The CDC is now recommending that doctors use bandanas. Many people in our community have reached out to see if there is something we can do. We put this together: Masks for Humanity.

Masks for Humanity is the hub that connects people who need handmade face masks with people making handmade face masks.

Here’s how it works:

CONNECTORS/EVERYONE: That’s all of us! Share this project widely. Call, email, skype, write friends and family on the frontlines and see if they need to request help. Do the same with everyone you know who sews. If you see an article about a group making handmade masks, reach out to them and see if they want to be shared on Masks for Humanity. The more people who know, the more people we can help. Follow us, share us, and all that good stuff on: Instagram, Twitter and Facebook (#mask4humanity and @masks4humanity on all social media).

FRONTLINERS: Healthcare workers, shelters, first responders, clerks, delivery groups, etc. can easily request handmade masks by pattern and number per batch.

MASK MAKERS: Individual crafters can find out exactly what an organization wants, so they’ll know their intention to help really is helping. Also learn about other maker-groups who want to help.

MAKER-GROUPS: Groups are popping up across the country making all sorts of handmade PPE, and they can be hard to find. Masks for Humanity is a place to amplify their work so we can all know what they are doing and jump in.

CRAFT SUPPLIERS (coming soon): Businesses are hurting and many are ready to send you the supplies you need. We want to make it easier for everyone to find one another.

We hope this project becomes unnecessary as soon as possible. We shouldn’t have to do this, but here we are. Right now, we want to take care of the people taking care of us.

Take good care,


P.S. I have good news and updates to share with you about Welcome Blanket, hold tight!

jayna zweiman